Quotation Explorer - 'Moment It'

Seize from every moment its unique novelty, and do not prepare your joys. - Andre Gide
You can't miss the horror, every moment it’s interesting. - Deyth Banger
Love sets you free the moment it arrests you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of scarifice - Viktor E. Frankl
Our purpose is to find out whether innocence, the moment it becomes involved in an action, can avoid committing murder. - Albert Camus
If my tears spilled spontaneously at that moment it’s because I immediately understood that what was happening, like in a dream, was the treat you had prepared for me I felt your friendship much stronger than if you had thanked me a million times that what pleased and touched me. - Ai Yazawa
In the night, I am kept awake by the endless chatter of my inner self. I hear it speak softly of old hurts and fondly of past loves, while its demands and anxieties resound throughout me in multitudes.I could be calm and composed all day long, but the moment it is dark, my mind riots. - Beau Taplin
An emotion like anger that's an automatic response lasts just ninety seconds from the moment it's triggered until it runs its course. One and a half minutes, that's all. When it lasts any longer, which it usually does, it's because we've chosen to rekindle it. - Pema Chödrön
Somehow everything I own smells of you, and for the tiniest moment it's all not true - Snow Patrol
Hard fun is, of course, the idea that we take pleasure in accomplishing something difficult: the joy in meeting and mastering a challenge. As a result, when someone is doing something that is hard fun, moment by moment it looks more like "work" than "fun," but the net effect is pleasurable overall. - David Williamson Shaffer
Intellect takes us along in the battle of life to a certain limit, but at the crucial moment it fails us. Faith transcends reason. It is when the horizon is the darkest and human reason is beaten down to the ground that faith shines brightest and comes to our rescue. - Mahatma Gandhi
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